Christian's podcasts and software tools that might improve your life.
- weekly show about building software businesses with my friend Chris Achard.
- What's Stopping You: Coaching calls with entrepreneurs stuck on a problem holding them back from their goals.
- Your Thoughts: a very serious podcast experiment in mindfulness
- The Genco Show: interesting conversations I have with friends
- PSLove: interviews with people from my university alumni scholarship group
- Fileinbox (previously called DBinbox): receive files from your clients to your Dropbox
- TheVideoClipper (previously called Streamlined video editor for turning long videos into social-media-optimized clips.
- Positive affirmation chatbot for people with ADHD.
- textbooks please: textbook search engine
- Dr. Dog: ask your Amazon Echo or Google Home if it's safe for your dog to eat certain foods
- Export History: Chrome plugin to export your history
- RegEx Dictionary: A dictionary searchable with Regular Expressions (RegEx) for word games like Wordle, Scrabble, or Crosswords where you know some information about possible letters and positions.
- Wordle Solver: solver for the Wordle word puzzle game based on Donald Knuth's Mastermind solution.
- Your Thoughts Script Generator: a tool for more efficiently making and publishing episodes of my very serious daily podcast Your Thoughts.
- Expense Tracker: simple graph of your expenses from an Airtable spreadsheet
- All the Music Player: browse every pop melody that has ever existed and ever will exist
- Pixel Art Creator: a simple programming IDE to draw pixel art
- Bonus Birthdays: Calculate your bonus birthdays, like when you turn 20,000 days old, or when you're the same age George Washington was when he became president.
- Email Drafter: markdown email editor that renders as plaintext and HTML
- DnDice: Dungeons & Dragons dice roller
- qgen: a tool for hunting for 30x500 audiences
- PastCam: iOS app to take "then and now" style pictures
- QR reader/writer: code reader that works offline, like on an air gapped computer
- Secrets: split up a secret into N pieces so you can recover it with any M of the pieces
- Mosaic Web Dev: a platform for hosting lessons that students can go through at their own pace
- HumanSort: list based on whatever you want by comparing two things at a time
- Markdown to MLA: generate perfect MLA and APA documents from plain text markdown
- Timecard App: timecard calculator (a rewrite of my oldest useful program)
- Timer: with alarm for teaching in poms
- Icon Dice: sided dice with icons instead of numbers
- Clear Decoder: links from the Clear iOS list making app to markdown
- Profile Flags: facebook app to add a country flag over your Facebook profile picture
- autorunner: command line tool to run a command when a file is saved
- t_time_tracker: simple command line time tracking
- Email Tip Bot: send/receive bitcoin through email. Shut down (and coins returned) in 2017.