- How I Lowered the CO2 in My House: When I first started measuring my indoor air quality I was shocked to see the CO2 would get sky-high: over 3,000 ppm overnight in the bedorom. Here's what I did to lower it and what didn't work.
- How I invest to retire early
- timeshare
- How I Watch Movies with Friends in VR on Meta Quest 2
- Jazmin
- Defining a Vision
- core-purpose
- competition
- Hire Firebase Developer Christian Genco
- SEMrush SEO Crash course
- Best library for end-to-end testing: Cypress vs. Puppeteer vs. Playwright vs. Selenium vs. WebDriver
- Dropbox API
- openscad
- engagement-ring
- raspberrypi
- ffmpeg
- Smart Home
- jewelery-factory
- tailwind
- react
- javascript
- sqlite cheat sheet
- ruby
- Cheat Sheet to Paramotoring
- git cheat sheet
- How my indoor air made me sick and dumb (and how I fixed it): Temperature, PM2.5, humidity, CO2, and VOCs all have an effect on indoor air quality and your health. Here are the techniques I use to keep each of them in the ideal range.
- Publish more videos
- How Car Insurance Works
- Croatia
- Firebase
- Building a Tiny House
- High LDL on a ketogenic diet: Rationalizing why my LDL of 273 is actually good.
- Continuous blood glucose monitoring with Levels: Rice is apparently very good at spiking my blood sugar.
- How to get enough Vitamin D: Higher vitamin D is coorelated with a healthier and longer life. What do you do with that information, though?
- Improving Surgery Discharge Instructions: My doctor gave me terrible and confusing instructions that I didn't understand, so I rewrote them.
- Sleep: On sleeping well
- Big Five Aspects Personality Scale: My results from a really interesting personality test that doesn’t pretend to sort people into n-categories.
- Magic Pill: If you had a magic pill that would let you live the life of your dreams, what would your life look like?
- Gmail Log: Track how well you do email
- Your Number: How much money is enough?
- Introducing Timecard App: a rewrite of my oldest useful program
- MCT oil vs. Coconut Oil for Ketogenic Diets: Notes on which fats are better for the ketogenic diet
- $100 3D Printed Engagement Ring: How to make a beautiful custom wedding ring for barely more than the cost of the metal.
- MacBook Developer Setup: My old software productivity setup
- Go to college for free: How to get a fantastic college education for exactly 0 dollars.
- The Remote Control Person: A design for a remote control you can use on people
- The Walkie Sockie: An Arduino project for a walkie talkie you use with your feet
- The Conversation Monitor: College project to measure how much each person In a group speaks
- Redesign the Wallet: My personal design process that led to a novel wallet prototype
- You Should Learn to Program: Why? It makes you smarter, computers are improving faster than you are, and - if you're like me - you want to maximize your laziness.
- Ericsson Hackathon: A winning hackathon idea to get immediate feedback from a large group of people over sms and robocalling.
- Musical Eating: A useless talent made possible by the MaKey MaKey.
- Human Centered Design at SMU: A review of my favorite class at SMU
- Virtual Shadow Dance: A Microsoft Kinect project to manipulate your shadow
- TI Innovation Competition: A winning hackathon idea for a nightstand projector
- Walk on the Grass: A piece I wrote for my undergraduate newspaper